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new to making a family tree and need some help

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claire Report 30 May 2016 12:51

Thank you. I have contacted my local council and will be going in there to look through everything on their system next week.
I will see how I get on with it and ask for help if I get stuck.



ArgyllGran Report 30 May 2016 11:41

To repeat what DetEcTive said - if you would like us to have a look too, let us know names / dates/ places or whatever you do know so far, and we'll try to help.


claire Report 29 May 2016 23:33

thank you, I have managed to find some people from 1880's and my grandparents on here through the electoral but cant find their births so I am trying the suggested website.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 May 2016 23:17

Sorry - must have missed out the NOT %3A-%28


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 May 2016 22:56

Welcome to GR, Claire.

Unfortunately Scottish Birth, Marriages and Deaths as well as the 1911 census are all on the (edit NON )subscription site

Earlier census are transcribed on this site although the images are on Scotlandspeople.

You could try using the Search All Members Trees to see if anyone else lists them. Send a message to the tree owner asking if they can help you.

There are several people on Genes who have extensive knowledge of Scottish Records. If you'd like to post the details for your grandparents (assuming they are deceased) they and others would be happy to help you on your way.


claire Report 29 May 2016 22:38

Hi anyone that can help.

I'm new to this and trying to fill in my family tree past my grandparents they were both illegitimate and both born in Scotland but when I put in their names and year of birth the searches are always coming up from England or wales and when I do an advanced search there are no matches!!!