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Death abroad

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Jebb Report 8 May 2016 13:56

Please can anyone tell me if a British subject dies in Spain whilst on holiday is the death included in British records at all?
Many thanks


Rambling Report 8 May 2016 14:34

quoting from FMP which has records for

"British Nationals Died Overseas 1818-2005"

"If you have a globe-trotting relative or ancestor who sadly died during an overseas trip, then you may be able to find their details amongst these records. Any death of a British citizen abroad usually results in a notification being sent to the relevant British Consul or the UK High Commission, which will allow you to find their details within these GRO consular indices."


Jebb Report 8 May 2016 15:31

Thank you for the information, however I cannot find the information that I'm looking for on that site. Are there any others apart from Ancestry? %3B-%29


Andysmum Report 8 May 2016 15:48

This is from the Citizens Advice Bureau website.

Registering the death

All deaths must be registered in the country where the person died. The British Consul will be able to advise you on how to do this. In some countries you can then also register the death at the British Embassy, High Commission or Consulate which means you will get a UK-style death registration document. However, this system is being phased out and by mid-2015 you will need to register all deaths overseas with the Foreign and Commonwealth office in the UK. There is more information about how to register a death abroad on the GOV.UK website at When registering the death in person, you should take information about yourself and the person who has died including:

full name
date of birth
passport number
where and when the passport was issued
details of the next-of- kin, if you're not their closest relative.

This is from the website

Register a death

You must register the death according to the regulations in the country where the person died. You will be given a local death certificate.
This local death certificate will be accepted in the UK. It may need to be a certified translation of the document if it’s not in English.

Register the death with the UK authorities
You can also apply to register the death with the UK authorities. You don’t have to do this, but it means:

the death will be recorded with the General Register Offices (for England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and the National Records Office of Scotland
you can order a consular death registration certificate

Hope this helps. A lot seems to depend on when the death occurred.


Jebb Report 8 May 2016 18:29

Thank you for the information. %3B-%29

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 8 May 2016 19:08

My brother lived in Spain and died there in 2001'

I haven't found his death cert in the overseas records am presuming he was just registered in the local Spanish records


Kay???? Report 8 May 2016 22:23

If they have taken up residence in a foreign country then their deaths will not be found in the uk indexes.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 May 2016 06:31

However . If the person is famiiy of a serving forces then their records will have been reg at the British consulate

Out grandaughter was born in Germany whilst the family were living there on a four years posting and her birth is in the overseas consular records


Jebb Report 9 May 2016 09:56

Thank you once again for your help on the matter of dying abroad whilst on holiday. I consider the question answered!


Jebb Report 9 May 2016 09:58

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