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1869 Bristol, UK Will

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ArgyllGran Report 29 Apr 2016 20:30


Kay???? Report 29 Apr 2016 18:39

Hannah Ludlow was born on 1st June 1803 in Cirencester, and was baptized there on 3rd July the same year. On her death she entrusted two fields close to the village of Hankerton to generate a charitable income for the relief of “hardship or distress” amongst the parishioners of Hankerton. The Hannah Ludlow Trust is still in existence, still lets the fields and still makes grants from time to time.


ArgyllGran Report 29 Apr 2016 17:34

I assume this is the same Hannah, being charitable before her death:

"In 1848 Hannah Ludlow gave 5 a. in Hankerton to provide payments each year to six male, married, agricultural labourers over 50 among the second poor of the parish. In 1905 c. £11 was given away. (fn. 277) In 1931 the payments were of £1 16s. 9d. After the Second World War the beneficiaries were reduced to five and the sixth share of the money was paid to a repair fund. (fn. 278) Five parishioners shared £13 in 1960, £60 in 1971. (fn. 279)

By Scheme of 1979 the Poor's Money, Hannah Ludlow's, and Lady Frances Winchcombe's charities were administered jointly to relieve need generally in Hankerton parish. Hannah Ludlow's 5 a. were then being leased for £200 a year and the three charities had £496 stock. (fn. 280) In the late 1980s the income of c. £200 a year was used to help old people. (fn. 281)"

That's from this page:

I wonder if she had a sister Elizabeth -

No, not a sister. Maybe a great-aunt (if any relation):


ArgyllGran Report 29 Apr 2016 17:21

But then the umbrella body, Bristol Municipal Charities, ceased to exist in 2010:


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 Apr 2016 15:18

This link suggests that a Charity still carried her name in 2009!


Kay???? Report 29 Apr 2016 11:54

Hannah Ludlow set what appears a Hannah Ludlow Charity and was still in operation in 1942 as reported in newspapers.


TracyJames Report 29 Apr 2016 10:05

Thanks AustinQ %3A-D

Makes for an interesting read, wonder what the outcome of her Will being contested was. Hannah obviously had a good business head and a kind heart. Did you find all this in British Newspapers on Ancestry?


AustinQ Report 29 Apr 2016 09:08

Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette - Thursday 18 February 1869

Miss Hannah Ludlow an elderly lady, belonging to the Society of Friends, has bequeathed to the Bristol Charity Trustees a sum of nearly £20,000 to be applied by them for ever in annuities of £30 a year each, to females of irreproachable lives and decent position, but whose circumstances have been lowered by no fault of their own. The trustees may, if they think fit, spend a portion of the bequest in building a house for the annuitants to reside in.

Bristol Mercury - Saturday 18 December 1869

A notice was received from the solicitors of Miss Hannah Ludlow's executors that the residuary estate was transferred into the court of Chancery in order to try the question as to the validity of the bequests for charitable purposes, which would take some months to decide. The solicitors were instructed to take the necessary steps in the matter.

Western Daily Press - Monday 08 February 1869

On the 5th inst at No 2 West Clifton Terrace aged 89 years, Hannah Ludlow, formerly of 22 Old Market Street.

Bristol Times and Mirror - Wednesday 17 March 1869

Eligible FreeHold Business Premises
No. 22 Old Market Street, Bristol
Messrs H R Fargus & Co, will sell by auction (by direction of the Trustees under WIll of Miss Hannah Ludlow, deceased), at The White Hart Inn, Old Market Street, Bristol on Wednesday March 24th 1869 at Seven o'clock in the evening.
All those commodious Freehold Business Premises consisting of a shop with offices, Wareroom and garden behind, dwelling house over, and cellar underneath being No. 22 Old Market Street.
Now in the occupation of Mr Henry Bustin, Grocer, for the remainder of a term which will expire 24th June 1869)


Kay???? Report 28 Apr 2016 23:14

Britishnewspapers (Bristol )notices give reports about her.


TracyJames Report 28 Apr 2016 21:29

Thanks Detective %3B-%29


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Apr 2016 11:02

You can do it on line from the government probate site is to the Calendar entry
It'll still cost you £10 but will be available to download in about 10 days time.

Connections to the chocolate/Quaker Fry family? %3B-%29


TracyJames Report 28 Apr 2016 09:17

Awesome!!! Thanks Kath %3A-D


KathleenBell Report 28 Apr 2016 08:02

The contact details for Bristol Probate office:-

Enquiries: [email protected], [email protected]

I'm pretty sure they will be able to supply a copy of the will but if not they will be able to point you in the right direction. All you need is the name and the dates you already have.

The cost of the will is £10.

Kath, x


TracyJames Report 28 Apr 2016 07:47

Hi Everyone

Hope I've posted this to the right place. I'm trying to find out how I can get a copy of a 1869 Will that was lodged in Bristol for Hannah LUDLOW who died 5 Feb 1869 and Will with Codicil was proved on 25 Feb 1869 in Bristol.

I've done quite a few online searches over the last few days but only finding her probate record.

Appreciate your help with this....
