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Overseas Adoption

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Elaine Report 6 Aug 2015 19:33

I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me with this.
My gran was born in Canada around 1926 (parents unknown) and she was brought over to this country and adopted when she was young but i'm struggling to find where to find a record of her birth so i can find her birth certificate and possible get the details of her parents.
Thanks in advance %3A-%29


Gee Report 6 Aug 2015 20:34

Hi Elaine

You would need to give more specific details if anyone can help

Name/birth/place and any other info that you have

Edit: 'This country', what would that be please


Jacqueline Report 6 Aug 2015 22:20

Do you know her birth name?


Elaine Report 6 Aug 2015 23:32

My gran was born in Canada (area unknown) and was registered as Anna May Rafferty, we think her mum's name was Elizabeth Rafferty but father unknown (possibly a lumberjack).
My gran was brought to Scotland and adopted when she was an infant and adopted (not sure if it was official).
TBH there no one left from that generation of the family to get any other information from and not sure if my gran knew and was just keeping it quiet or she didn't know anything about her past.
Thanks for the reply's


Jacqueline Report 7 Aug 2015 09:58

There should be a record of her arrival in the UK...............I can't access it, as I don't subscribe to Ancestry, but I'm sure some kind member who does will take a look.

It will be interesting to see who she was travelling with


Elaine Report 7 Aug 2015 10:47

It would definitely Jacqueline as from what i know she was sent to this country for adoption as they were unable to find her father when her mother died and she was still young.


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 11:14


Ann May Rafferty in the UK, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960
Record Image View
Add alternate information
Report issue
Name: Ann May Rafferty
Birth Date: abt 1921
Age: 4
Port of Departure: New York, New York, United States
Arrival Date: 29 Apr 1925
Port of Arrival: Plymouth, England
Ports of Voyage: Halifax
Ship Name: Andania
Search Ship Database: Search for the Andania in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Shipping line: Cunard Steamship Company Ltd
Official Number: 145934

There is this one, destination Scotland but aged 4 so born c 1921

Emily Rafferty a Domestic aged 29 along with 4 year old Ann May Rafferty an Infant

They are under a heading of Deported (along with others). The Proposed address in UK is written as 21 Russel Street, Glasgow, Scotland with Scotland as the Country of Intended Future Permanent Residence.

Emily's Country of Last Permanent Residence is given as Scotland and Ann's as Canada


Elaine Report 7 Aug 2015 11:22

thatnks i'll have a look at this one (when i finish work lol)


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 11:41

??? I like the way Eliza is written as Head but "Kept by Family"

1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
26, Campbell Street, Glasgow, Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
Eliza Rafferty Head Widow Female 46 1855 Kept By Family Ireland
Joseph Rafferty Son Single Male 21 1880 Apprentice Bottle Worker Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Alexander Rafferty Son Single Male 19 1882 Apprentice Bottle Worker Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Jessie Rafferty Daughter Single Female 18 1883 Confectionery Worker Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Sarah Rafferty Daughter Single Female 15 1886 Confectionery Worker Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
David Rafferty Son - Male 13 1888 Scholar Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Emily Rafferty Daughter - Female 4 1897 - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland <<<<<<<<


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 11:42

Same family 1891

1891 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Belfort Street, Barony, Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
John Rafferty Head Married Male 39 1852 Labourer Ireland
Eliza Rafferty Wife - Female 38 1853 Labourers Wife Ireland
William Rafferty Son Unmarried Male 18 1873 Labourer Ireland
Eliza Jane Rafferty Daughter Unmarried Female 16 1875 Domestic Servant Partick, Lanarkshire, Scotland
John Rafferty Son Unmarried Male 14 1877 Message Boy Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Joseph Rafferty Son - Male 12 1879 Scholar Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Alexander Rafferty Son - Male 10 1881 Scholar Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Jessie Rafferty Daughter - Female 8 1883 Scholar Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Sarah Rafferty Daughter - Female 6 1885 Scholar Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland
David Rafferty Son - Male 4 1887 Scholar Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 11:43

1881 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
79, Gairbraid Street, Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
John Rafferty Head Married Male 30 1851 Iron Foundry Lab Ireland
Elizabeth Rafferty Wife Married Female 30 1851 - Ireland
William Rafferty Son - Male 8 1873 Scholar Ireland
Jane Rafferty Daughter - Female 6 1875 Scholar Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
John Rafferty Son - Male 4 1877 - Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Joseph Rafferty Son - Male 2 1879 - Maryhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 11:57

I wonder if one of the older sons of the family emigrated to Canada and had a daughter called Elizabeth or a daughter Elizabeth did herself?

The 1911 Scottish census is only available on Scotland'sPeople a pay to view site - very reasonable - 30 credits for £7 - 5 credits would buy you a copy and you can download.

I don't have credits at the moment but a quick free look shows 15 Elizabeth Rafferty's born in Glasgow City (inputted under County) 1880-1905. You can further look under District to see how many were born in each Glasgow District still for free, but have to start using credits to see more than that.


Elaine Report 7 Aug 2015 12:31

Mr Gran Anna May was born in Canada and i think the first lot of information given was closest. i'm not sure if her mum Elizabeth died in Canada or brought my gran over to Scotland knowing she was ill and then died here.
There was only my gran she didn't have any brothers or sisters
I don't know if Elizabeth was originally from Scotland or possibly Ireland (i have something in the back of my mind about Ireland).
I appreciate all the help.


MargaretM Report 7 Aug 2015 13:51

I believe that the UK incoming passenger list that greyghost posted is little Ann May being brought to Scotland by Emily Rafferty who seems to have gone to Canada in order to bring back Ann May since Emily gives last permanent residence as Scotland and Ann May as Canada.

Now there is a Emily Rafferty who sailed to Canada in 1923. She was aged 27. She gives her last address as The Salt Box, Limpsfield, Surrey.

Emily Rafferty

in the UK, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960
Record Image View

Name: Emily Rafferty
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Birth Date: abt 1896
Departure Date: 5 Oct 1923
Port of Departure: Southampton, England
Destination Port: Quebec, Canada
Ship Name: Antonia
Search Ship Database: Search for the Antonia in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Shipping line: Cunard Line
Official Number: 145937
Master: J Marshaw

On her arrival in Canada she give as the object in going to Canada as "I would like to beside my sister" (as written). She's heading to Salvation Army, Toronto. Her nearest relative at home was Mrs.? R. Colquhoun, sister, 21 Clyde St., Dumbarton, Scotland.

Emily Rafferty

in the Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1924
Record Image View

Name: Emily Rafferty
Gender: Female
Estimated birth year: abt 1896
Birth Place: 21 Willam St Glasgow
Age: 27
Date of Arrival: 14 Oct 1923
Port of Arrival: Quebec
Ship Name: Antonia

Does any of this make any sense?


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 13:59

Image shows she was a Domestic, last UK address The Salt Box, Limpsfield, Surrey

Emily Rafferty in the UK, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960

Name: Emily Rafferty
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Birth Date: abt 1896
Departure Date: 5 Oct 1923
Port of Departure: Southampton, England
Destination Port: Quebec, Canada
Ship Name: Antonia
Search Ship Database: Search for the Antonia in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Shipping line: Cunard Line
Official Number: 145937
Master: J Marshaw

The Salt Box, Limpsfield
Description: The Salt Box
Grade: II
Date Listed: 19 November 1984
English Heritage Building ID: 287833
Location: B269, Limpsfield, Surrey RH8 0SZ
Locality: Limpsfield
Local Authority: Tandridge District Council
County: Surrey
Country: England
Postcode: RH8 0SZ


MargaretM Report 7 Aug 2015 14:09

There's this one on the 1921 census in Lancaster, Ontario, very close to me but quite a distance from Toronto. It says she emigrated 1921.

Elizabeth S Rafferty

in the 1921 Census of Canada
Record Image View

Name: Elizabeth S Rafferty
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Age: 32
Birth Year: abt 1889
Birth Place: Scotland
Relation to Head of House: Lodger
Father Birth Place: Scotland
Mother Birth Place: Scotland
Year of Immigration: 1921
Racial or Tribal Origin: Irish
Province or Territory: Ontario
District: Glengarry-Stormont
District Number: 81
Sub-District: Lancaster (Township)
Sub-District Number: 32
City, Town or Village: Lancaster Township
Street or Township: Lancaster Tp
Municipality: Lancaster
Occupation: Saleswoman
Income: 500
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Allan McIntosh 66
Mary M McIntosh 56
John A McIntosh 18
Susan C McIntosh 25
Ann A McIntosh 18
Violet McIntosh 16
Donald J McDonald 33
Elizabeth S Rafferty 32


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 14:15

In one of your posts Elaine you say you THiNK her Mum was Elizabeth. Could it have been Emily who came home with her own child and then had her adopted?


MargaretM Report 7 Aug 2015 14:18

The problem with that, greyghost, is that Emily's last permanent residence was Scotland whereas Ann May's was Canada.


greyghost Report 7 Aug 2015 14:22

One of Emily's sisters was Jane b 1875, so this makes her a little old to marry but

Again without credits I can't look further , but there is a marriage in 1915 between a Robert Colquhoun and a Jane Rafferty. This is the only Colquhoun/Rafferty marriage between 1890 and 1923. It is in Glasgow City


mgnv Report 8 Aug 2015 21:16

Emily immig form:
There's no info on back side of form: