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FAREWELL Update Page two**********

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lancashireAnn Report 22 Mar 2012 16:28

nice to know you will be able to see your own name on these boards sometimes

computer viewing restriction is a small price to pay for keeping some sight

long may it continue to get better, or at the very least no worse %3B-%29

%26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 to send to those nurses


wisechild Report 22 Mar 2012 15:49

Good news George.
Keep taking the pills & gazing into the nurses eyes. %3B-%29 %3B-%29 %3B-%29 %3B-%29


Maddie Report 22 Mar 2012 15:05

so pleased to hear you are on the way up
best wishes


Jonesey Report 22 Mar 2012 14:59

Wonderful news George. About the nurses I mean.

I suppose being able to return to your computer, even if time restricted, was also good for you to hear.

Welcome back.


littlelegs Report 22 Mar 2012 14:50

hi george
good to hear from you

look after yourself
all the best
lorraine %26lt%3B3


George_of_Westbury Report 22 Mar 2012 14:01

UPDATE 22/3/2012
just to let you know, following ten weeks of of various treatments for the ulcers in my eyes, pills ,potions and other treatments, i have today been told that the treatment has been successful, although my vision has deteriorated a little, but not causing me a problem, so i might just answer a few queries

However because of the nature of the problem these ulcers could return, so i have been told to limit my computer./TV viewing activity to a maximum of two hours per day, but I'm still on the pills and potions for a while yet, still its good news.

Of course there has been a benefit to all the treatments i have received, I've had all the lovely nurses gazing into my eyes twice a week, i must be naive i thought they were doing it because of my eye problem

Well done to all those who have looked after me during this worrying time for me, especially all those lovely nurses, WHO I SHALL NEVER FORGET.



Sorcha Report 8 Jan 2012 16:44

I am so sorry George, you will be sorely missed on these boards. I have always enjoyed your knowledgable and insightful posts.
Wishing you all the best for the future.
Take care


Chrissie2394 Report 8 Jan 2012 10:41

So sorry to read that you have problems with your sight George and that you will have to give up spending so much time on your computer.

I have learnt so much from you for which I thank you.

Take care


Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 8 Jan 2012 09:13

So sorry to see this George, you will be very much missed.
Postive good wishes for you.

Chris :)


Alan Report 8 Jan 2012 08:46

I agree, your contributions will be missed. Hope your sight stabilizes. Good luck.


Sally Report 7 Jan 2012 23:50

hello george

sorry to hear o your eye problems and that you are going

please look into what is available for sight there are many differant programs to help with sight problems even if total loss of sight and al sorts in between

alltthough i realise it depends on what is wrong google and be surprised how much there is

i my self have not a lot of sight and use magnification and speach it talks to me as i run the curser over the words

best wishes to you

sally w %26lt%3B3


George_of_Westbury Report 7 Jan 2012 13:43

Hi everyone,
Can i just thank everyone for your kind comment's and best wishes, i am overwhelmed to say the least.

Once again many thanks



Christine Report 7 Jan 2012 13:39

Best wishes George. I hope you find something equally absorbing to interest you that doesn't involve a computer screen.


Gee Report 7 Jan 2012 13:33

Hi George

I’m so sorry to hear you have to leave us but you are doing the right thing I’m sure.....

I for one will miss you and gowed knows who I am going to sign post members to when you have gone. I’ve lost count over the years how many people I referred over to you when it came to military conundrums!

You take very good care of yourself

Ginny x


lancashireAnn Report 7 Jan 2012 13:10

Sorry to hear that George. I have seen your name so many times on these boards over the years helping people. I am sure they would all want to thank you and say how much you will be missed.

Your sight is so much more precious and we probably never imagine how much a serious problem will affect our lives until it happens.

Good luck for the future and hope that the rest from the screen will help.


Potty Report 7 Jan 2012 11:36

Very sorry to hear you are leaving, George. Your knowledge of military matters has been very useful to so many.

Maybe you will follow up Rollo's suggestion and we may see you here again in the future.

Best wishes


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 7 Jan 2012 11:11

Wishing you all the best George. Hopefully you can drop in from time ti time but dont overdo it .Your health is the most important thing

Take care




Maddie Report 7 Jan 2012 10:55

so sorry to hear this George, i hope the doc's can help you.
wishing you all the best for the future


Joy Report 7 Jan 2012 08:43

Best wishes for the future, and I hope that help can be given with your eyes so that you can use the computer or that someone else can help you with the computer.


Jonesey Report 7 Jan 2012 08:24


Sight is a most precious commodity and I am sure that you are doing the right thing by following your doctors advice in an attempt to preserve yours.

Your input on these boards and your extensive knowledge of military matters has been a great help to others, both with direct answers and by sharing your knowledge with others. On behalf of those others and myself, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Take good care of yourself in the future.