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Should GR be embarrassed?

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Kay???? Report 1 Jan 2012 09:12

Blue Fisherman needs to look at other sites and compare the index doesnt he? if its wrongly transcribed in GRO then GR are certainly not at fault as they have transfered information that has been transcribed years ago,and initial transcribing to image form back when records were moved from Somerset House to St Caths and made avaliable on fishe to various RO and a great cost.!!.

If youve never seen the GRO public registers you are in for a treat ! then its little wonder when they were transcribed mistakes were made.

Making any alteration to GR indexes or any other sites holdings wont alter what is shown in the official GRO records..


Blue_Fisherman Report 2 Jan 2012 13:08

Hi Kay????

My thread says, which I'll re-state,

"My father is listed correctly in BMD at GRO and all other ancestry sites. GR just haven't done what they twice told me they would do".


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Jan 2012 22:04

and we are trying to tell you that GR might NOT be able to do what they have told you

.......... at least, not at this moment in time.

I WAS told by Phil Moir, on a thread I was contributing to, that GR HOPED to have the ability to either change or add Alternate Information to the records on here SOON

you'll just have to be patient

and not get angry at US .............. after all, we are just members like yourself.

The only way to get GR's attention is to email them.



Blue_Fisherman Report 2 Jan 2012 23:37

Hi SylvialnCanada.

First and foremost, I do not want to get angry with anyone or cause any upset.

I merely pointed out in my first message that GR advised me (twice) that they would take the agreed action to amend THEIR record of my Fathers first name. It was in fact GR staff that searched after my initial enquiry and it was they who found him listed as Edward, where it should be Edwin.

There have been 22 posts on this thread now and it was GR that posted No.5 advising me of the following:................


Just to let you know I have contacted the Support Team in regards to this and they are looking into it.

We are sorry for the delay, but you will be contacted soon.

Many thanks"

I have no more to add to this thread because I am waiting for GR to respond and as it is the Christmas period, I'm more than happy to wait for this

I must point out though that there have been some interesting replies to my enquiry, not least the one from GR themselves, but there have been others where quite clearly they have not availed themselves of the facts and other details before making their post. %3A-%5C


InspectorGreenPen Report 3 Jan 2012 06:39


What Sylvia is referring to is the lack of an automated process to allow members to report errors directly through the site. This is what site developer Phil Moir is hoping to introduce at some time in the future.

Despite this lack of functionality, GR are able make changes - they have done so previously, so we know it is possible - however the process is manual and as you have discovered, it is all to easy for it to fall down a black hole and get lost.

Not good for their reputation at all....!


Kay???? Report 3 Jan 2012 17:28

Depending on what time has lasped since this problem was first brought to the attention of GR and as you state its been a long christmas holiday, it could just be a case of lack of staffing and also there has been more important site issues to sort out to make sure there was no melt down during the chritsmas period which would have caused some near nervous breakdowns,!!,,,,,the index is static and I'm sure will be sorted on this site in due course.

But still downt feel GR have any reason to feel embarrassed about something they clearly havnt got round to correcting at this time....human error's will and do occur.


philmoir Report 3 Jan 2012 22:10

I must admit that as part of GR I am a bit embarrassed that it has taken so long to correct this. I have sent a PM to Blue_Fisherman to indicate that the correction has now been logged with the transcription errors for BMDs and should be corrected within the month.

Again for the record, as I have stated previously on other threads, all record sets (images and transcriptions) on GR are owned by or licenced to brightsolid, GR's parent company. This is the same for all record sets seen on brightsolid websites.

With regard to the transcription error reporting on GR. This was a piece of work that was almost completed last year, but has yet to be thoroughly tested and we would rather roll it out when we know it works well.

I hope this helps clarifiy the situation, and apologies for any delays in getting transcription errors resolved.


Joy Report 3 Jan 2012 22:41

Thank you, Phil.


Blue_Fisherman Report 3 Jan 2012 22:58

Thank you Phil Moir.


Blue_Fisherman Report 2 Feb 2012 23:11

Hello Phil Moir,
Many thanks to you and your team for correcting my fathers birth record on GR. I know this thread has generated a lot of discussion and I apologise to anyone that may have thought I was wrong in the way I have gone about doing his but I can now say how pleased I am to see the correct name against my fathers detail and gallery.