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workhouse or hospital? gravesend

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vanessa Report 16 Dec 2011 10:54

how rude
forgot to thank you profusely..

thank you thank you thank you!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 Dec 2011 11:11

That's wonderful! %3A-D At least you now have her 'normal' address - 9 Sheppy Place.

There is a Street View on

but be aware that the numbering may have changed. There is a No. 9 there. If it isn't the original numbering, at least if gives you some indication of what the house would have been like. %3A-D

Once you get the MC, its always worth looking for the original entry of any Church register. But as it was close in time to WW1, it may have been a reg office marriage - lots of couples married quickly if there was a danger that the male was about to be sent off to the front.


vanessa Report 16 Dec 2011 20:59

she didn't go far from Trafalgar Rd, did she?
in 1911, baby Evelyn and Annie are at Arthur St, again, just around the corner!