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What are your pet hates concerning genealogy????
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Irene | Report | 26 Jan 2006 15:53 |
Mine is when telling anyone I am interested in genealogy and compiling my family tree is -- How far back have you got???? Any more to add. Irene |
Vicky | Report | 26 Jan 2006 16:01 |
people telling me they are the nth cousin z times removed from royalty. surely if you manage to get back far enough, we all are? |
Unknown | Report | 26 Jan 2006 16:05 |
Vicky .........
Hate to say this, but I AM connected to royalty ... and can proove it babe !
Elaine |
dee | Report | 26 Jan 2006 16:16 |
Irene I once came across a census return For my 3rd x great Grandfather William Roe Living in Mitcham in 1861 he had put on the census children of first husband what i hated was he dangled this big carrot of info but for got to say who first husband was how could he have been so unthoughtfull lol. Diana |
Rosemary | Report | 26 Jan 2006 16:20 |
My pet peeve is that I have gone through a lot of trouble and expense to compile quite a bit of family history but no one in my family seems to be very interested. Another irritation is the inconsistancy of the census info i.e ages, place of birth and spelling or names but I guess I'll get over it. Hey Elaine, Which royal house are you connected with? Rose |
♥Athena | Report | 26 Jan 2006 16:21 |
...doubly thick, extra high, solid BRICK WALLS, lol Arrrgh! Still, by persistent chipping away I might eventually have a break through one of these day, eh? Leah |
Websterbfc | Report | 26 Jan 2006 16:24 |
my pet hate is getting all excited coz i have found a match on GR, carefully writing a PM giving info that could confirm a real march or not, eargerly waiting for a reply, but none ever arrives |
Unknown | Report | 26 Jan 2006 17:09 |
Getting an e-mail from a GR member saying that our mutual gt x 3 grandmother was illegitimate and then not responding when I asked for details! Finding that another gt grandmother was illegitimate and the bastardy bonds records which might have shown who her father was have not survived! Finding a new site on the internet and getting all excited only to discover that either a) it doesn't have the parish I want or b) it does have the parish I want but not the years I want or c) it does have the parish and years I want but not any of my surnames! nell |
Ruth | Report | 26 Jan 2006 17:42 |
My pet hate is members of my family who write or phone to say ' oh I heard that you are doing the family history, -Can I have a copy, ' They don't understand the hours, not to mention the pounds spent on certificates etc. I tell them that I could help them look for themselves, but they're not interested. |
Vicky | Report | 26 Jan 2006 17:47 |
getting into grumpy old woman mode... repeatedly reading threads on here (or more usually Tips) asking for the same sort of basic information, sometimes half a dozen a day. Don't people ever check if a similar question has been asked before posting? |
Phoenix | Report | 26 Jan 2006 18:01 |
The people who ask me if I've found out anything interesting recently..... and then don't stop to listen, LOL! And on Nell's theme, though this is more a passionate regret, KNOWING that several of my Devon ancestors left wills (in a family where all four grandparents were born with the same surname), some within the period covered by Estate Duty. A bomb fell on Exeter in WW2 and they were all destroyed. I wouldn't have minded quite so much, if I hadn't found a typescript list of testators that someone had drawn up. |
Vera | Report | 26 Jan 2006 18:19 |
You are going along quite happily and then you come up against a BRICKWALL !!!!!!
I have got two of THEM at the moment. |
RStar | Report | 26 Jan 2006 18:42 |
Record offices charging £24 an hr for look-ups!!! I havent won the lottery... Also people not replying when you send them a message - esp if youre certain theyre a link in your tree. |
Irene | Report | 26 Jan 2006 18:43 |
Thank you for your messages, when I answered the question 'how far have you got back to' at a family get together saying the 1700's with one line, the answer was oh that all. Well after all it was only about 3 years work. Irene |
Louise | Report | 26 Jan 2006 19:02 |
well my pet hate is everything you have all said |
Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it | Report | 26 Jan 2006 19:06 |
Big Brickwalls that show no sign of a crack. But, I hate it when someone asks how the family research is doing ,& when I launch into some info their eyes glaze over & you can see that they arnt interested. IF they not interested THEN DONT ASK!!. Sorry for shouting , but it does get to me. Shirley |
Researching: |
Lysianne | Report | 26 Jan 2006 19:08 |
Hi The thing that really got me was the relative who has also looked into the family tree a little who I e-mailed our tree to. Without asking, they put the whole tree on here.... Maybe it's small-minded, but our tree includes not just my side, but my husband's as well, which has absolutely no connection to them (except for me), and which he spent years researching every Saturday morning before the internet came along... So when we joined GenesReunited, we were somewhat surprised to find all his years of hard work (as well as mine) passed off under their name... I'm all for helping people and pooling resources, but I thought that was going a bit far... Needless to say, their requests to view our tree, with a lot of new research in it, in the two years since we joined have been ignored. I make sure that if I add anyone else's information to the tree, I always check it's OK first, as I'd hate anyone else to seethe like I did. Anyway, that's my rant over with, and apart from that, and a few minor irritations, I find genealogy really enjoyable, and full of nice, kind, helpful people Lysianne |
Jess Bow Bag | Report | 26 Jan 2006 19:08 |
my pet hate is rellies that cant remember where they were born, or if they can, insist on telling the ennumerator somewhere else, or being 'out' on census night so someone else gave the details. Have decided to get even, next census night, and going to decamp to a hotel somewhere totally obscure, for the hell of it!! Alice x |
Zoe | Report | 26 Jan 2006 19:17 |
members of teh family who after a big fallng out 5 years ago we've only heard from once (following a death) and then send a message via Genes saying they've been meaning to get in touch for ages. Well we still live in the same house we have for 30 years with the same phone number and names. So - NO - I don't want to give you access to my tree which took years of research and my hard earned money to do because you can afford to pay someone to do it if you're that interested or get up off your *rse and learn how to do it yourself if you had two braincells to rub together if you consider owning up to the 40 grand you nicked out of your mum's estate and give it to the people she wanted to have it (her grandchildren) then I may consider sharing it with you, 'Auntie' (as you like to sign yourself). thats my pet hate. Obviously - this gripe is fairly specific to me. Zoe (who needed to get that off her chest for weeks and feels much better now) |
Demelza | Report | 26 Jan 2006 19:35 |
Has any body else ever come across other message boards (NOT this one, obviously) where everybody just seems to be out to show off their knowledge, rather than actually HELP people? Where you are made to feel quite uncomfortable, or stupid, for just asking a question? Where you cannot express an opinion or state a fact without being grilled mercilessly about your sources? (And God help you, if you commit a typo!!!) If you have, then you will understand why I hate them so much - and prefer to use genesreunited messageboards! Keren P.S. Zoe - I sympathise. A similar thing happened in our family and my Dad is in the same position as you. |