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Charles Martin and Sarah Perkins

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JaneyCanuck Report 13 Jan 2010 02:58

If they remained in the same place, this could be his death

Name: Charles J Martin
Death Registration Month/Year: 1924 (jul-aug-sept)
Age at death (estimated): 50
Registration district: Edmonton
Inferred County: Middlesex
Volume: 3a
Page: 443


WayneTracey Report 13 Jan 2010 00:58

They were about the same age.

Name: Charles John Martin
Age: 21
Estimated birth year: abt 1872
Spouse Name: Sarah Ann Perkins
Spouse Age: 20
Record Type: Marriage
Event Date: 19 Mar 1893
Parish: Saint Katharine, Rotherhithe
County: Middlesex
Borough: Southwark
Father Name: William Henry Martin
Spouse Father Name: George James Perkins

There are infinite number of reasons that his father was deceased at such an early age, his job, his health.... his lifestyle. He was a Cooper according to his marriage cert, maybe he had an accident at work?

I should also add, your Grandfather maybe have been older when he married?

If Charles was 21 in 1893 that makes him born c 1872 and therefore 50 years of age when his own son married. Time took it's toll alot more than it does today.

My money would be on a work accident or early onset of ill health.

Tracey x


Lydia Report 12 Jan 2010 23:53

Marriages Mar 1893
Martin Charles John St. Olave 1d 372
Perkins Sarah Ann St. Olave 1d 372

Bertie W Martin (my grandad) was married in 1932 and his father was listed on the marriage cert as being deceased at that time. It could have been that Charles John Martin was older when my grandfather was born and that would explain why he was deceased at the time of my grandads marriage.