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Trying to find Clifford Mortimer

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Allan Report 19 Mar 2015 08:45

The Director of the project must be a man called Mills, who attended the Cambridge University College, God %3A-D %3A-D


JoonieCloonie Report 19 Mar 2015 03:29

I think the most likely reason for the delay is that they bit off more than they could chew with the Christmas sales. From what I've read, the wheels are grinding exceedingly slow. %3A-%29


Allan Report 19 Mar 2015 01:09

Update %3A-%28

Message from FamilyTreeDNA:

"Y-DNA67 Y-DNA1-12 Markers 608 04/29/2015 - 05/13/2015 We understand your frustration in not receiving your results as anticipated. We appreciate your patience as we work to provide you with reliable, accurate results. There are many possible reasons for your delay, such as our need to re-run your test or we need more sample."

This was the same for all the Markers


JoonieCloonie Report 5 Feb 2015 16:05

* drums fingers *

The results will probably start coming in a little earlier than predicted, although with the big sale and you being at the tag end of it, they might not. Two months is a really long time for them.

if the 12 markers does come in first, just ignore anything that comes of it. In fact, you will want to set your account not to send you 12-marker matches or you will be flooded. You only get emails for matches that occur after your results are in (your account will show you all the 12-marker matches if you ask, but don't). But with the sale, that could still be a lot, for any tests completed after yours is.

oh actually, they aren't doing 12-marker tests any more, so phew, that shouldn't be a problem %3A-%29

but you can mainly ignore 25-marker matches too. I checked out a couple of new ones I got emails for, the other day, that predicted very high probability of a common ancestor w/in 12 generations ... then I saw that the matches had actually tested to 37 or 67 markers, and did the comparison at that level, and the probability was less than 1% ... the high rate of matches in the first 25 markers completely broke down in the next 12 or 42.

I send DNA karma your way ... if only I had the kind of luck in the lottery that I had in this game!


Allan Report 5 Feb 2015 08:14

This from FTDNA

Awaiting Results


Lab Procedure




Y-DNA67 Y-DNA1-12 Markers 608 03/04/2015 - 03/18/2015
Y-DNA67 Y-DNA13-25 Markers 608 03/18/2015 - 04/01/2015
Y-DNA67 Y-DNA26-37 Markers 608 03/18/2015 - 04/01/2015
Y-DNA67 Y-DNA38-47 Markers 608 03/18/2015 - 04/01/2015
Y-DNA67 Y-DNA48-60 Markers 608 03/18/2015 - 04/01/2015
Y-DNA67 Y-DNA61-67 Markers 608 03/18/2015 - 04/01/2015

I was concerned as I learnt that the local Postal Agency sent my kit back via letter system, not as a parcel as I asked them to %3A-%7C

On the instructions for returning the kit it was stated that International customers should use Parcel Post as the USPS regarded the kits as parcels. If returned via letter post then delays could occur.

Our local shopping centre is going from bad to worse %3A-S It's convenient as it is only a few minutes walk away.

I've had problems at the Pharmacy, as well


JoonieCloonie Report 20 Jan 2015 04:07


Don't worry about messing the job up ... if you do (if they find the sample isn't good once they get to it), they just send you another kit %3A-%29

my crystal ball tells me you will probably have as much luck as I have on my other side ... none, in a nutshell ... but you just never can tell what the future will hold


Allan Report 20 Jan 2015 03:18

The kit arrived yesterday.

I've done one swab this morning, perhaps a bit too forcefully as I ended up with a slight amount of blood on it. %3A-%28

Just waiting for the recommended time before I swab the other cheek, hopefully not as hard this time %3A-%29

All being well, I should be able to have them in today's post %3A-D


Allan Report 8 Jan 2015 21:14

Thanks Joonie

Once I have the kit and know that I have returned it correctly, then I will do as suggested. %3A-D


JoonieCloonie Report 8 Jan 2015 21:09

Hm. %3A-%29

Now remember, project administrators and anyone who gets even a weak meaningless (12 marker) match with you will be able to see your name and your email address ... and your ancestor's name if you put it there.

(Project administrators can also see your postal address and what other projects you belong to.)

While I am very pleased with the service FTDNA provides, I think their privacy arrangements are worse than this place.

If your hotmail address contains your name, and you want to maintain privacy, I'd make one that doesn't (and I'd do it at gmail, I am so tired of getting spam from people whose hotmail accounts have been hacked...). Something like mydnaaccount@ for instance. And once the kit has been mailed out, I'd change your name in your account details to something anonymous (like hm, Mr A Anonymous!) ... and remove your address details. And not give details of Clifford as the paternal ancestor ... just say Mortimer born c1860 England.

Even just with Clifford's info, somebody who wanted to could find this site and all sorts of personal info about you. The chance that anybody would do that for nefarious purposes is close to nil ... I am just the one who thinks we should never leave trails to personal info on line ... especially that connects up with something as personal as DNA.

I've probably mentioned that a project administrator I already knew from a genealogy chat board saw the details of my account ... and asked why my kit was signed up to three different surname projects. Well, it's because I don't know who the ancestor's father was ... and I don't really mind anybody knowing that because it was 200 years ago ... but if the kit were my own and I was trying to find out who my own father was, I might rather that people I know from chat boards not know this very personal info about me. People have in fact complained about this very thing on the chat board at FTDNA and been told they should do what I've recommended and I do, strip their account of personal info ... but they shouldn't have to figure that out.

............ killing time while waiting to find out what the DNA says !!

and I guess I must pm Mavis %3A-%29


Allan Report 7 Jan 2015 22:18

Welcome back to the Boards, Joonie.

I still have to receive the kit.

There was one little(?) drama of my own making.

I realised that I had not received a confirmation email with details of how to log on.

With the changeover to my new computer (notebook) I had been re-entering my email addresses.

I have three, two of which have the Australian domain .au in them and the third is my Hotmail one which just has the generic .com

For the DNA project I am using the Hotmail address, and when I entered it on the DNA site I must have inadvertently added the .au %3A-0

However, on contacting the site, I was able to correct this and I received a password to log on with


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jan 2015 04:43

Hi Joonie

I had noticed that you weren't posting, but thought you were busy or on holiday, and taking a bit of a rest from on here

Nice to see you back

Happy New Year to you and yours x


JoonieCloonie Report 7 Jan 2015 01:39

hello I am baaack and happy new year to all !

I suppose nobody noticed but my subscription expired a while back and I have not been posting ...

Alan and I could keep in touch though so yes, alerted him to the big sale. During the sale I got weekly coupons for things I wasn't going to use, so I 'gifted' the $US10 one to him, the best I could do ... You'll find that everything there comes in $US, and that when they give out 'rewards' they are for things that only people in the US can use, like restaurant discounts. It does seem like pretty bad business for a company that really needs to get more of us bona fide pedigreed UK participants in particular.

So come February, you should start getting some results from the test (they test 'markers' in batches until they have done all 67) ... and then, if you are really really really lucky, some useful matching info. Like, if you don't match any other Mortimers at all. %3A-D Well it's what happened to me ... Don't forget to send that project a join request as that's also the easiest way to see your test results and they'll get added there as they come in.

Meanwhile, Mavis ... how could I have missed this? See my 'researching' line? Anything catch your eye? Forget Alan's DNA ... I want yours! Well not yours, but any male-line Hoare you may have kicking around.


Allan Report 6 Jan 2015 06:21

Thanks, Sylvia, for your New Year's greeting. %3A-%29

May you and your family have s happy and prosperous 2015 %3A-%29

The DNA testing will probably throw up more questions %3A-%28

Just as long as it doesn't show I'm descended from a Yeti %3A-D %3A-D

Nah! My feet ain't big enough %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Jan 2015 01:03

Happy New Year, Allan x

Let's hope the DNA testing provides some help, or at least some more clues!


Allan Report 5 Jan 2015 09:30

Hi Mavis %3A-%29

I'm not sure %3A-%29

But, if nothing else the results will be out there. I'm seeing my nephew this coming weekend at my brothers 70th bash and as he is also a direct male descendant of my paternal grandfather he will be interested in the results long after I have shuffled off this mortal coil %3A-D

Edit: my nephew is the one who is also really interested in the family history, together with my daughter and my female cousin in the UK who is Clifford's granddaughter


Mavis Report 5 Jan 2015 09:20

well done -- will it give you any answers ?

or just throw a few more spanners into the mix

we wait and see



Allan Report 5 Jan 2015 08:46

Still no further forward, but I have sent off to Family Tree DNA for a DNA test kit.

I'm doing the YDNA 67 test.

This was suggested by JoonieCloonie, who also advised me of a special Christmas offer, and additionally sent me a $(USA)10.00 voucher.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

My sincere thanks to JC for giving me a kick up the proverbial to just get it done %3A-D


Allan Report 22 Nov 2014 07:41

Something rang a bell regarding Manchester Crematorium and I've now found out what it is.

On another site dealing specifically with Manchester and Salford Genealogy, I posted about Clifford.

Part of the response was as follows

" Niche " in the wall. This has a memorial inscription on it. This is what is inscribed on it:

Sacred to the memory of Clifford MORTIMER (Artist) 1860-1930. His dear wife Adelaide 1881-1964

All the details i gave you yesterday for Adelaide are the same but there is no details for Clifford as all records from around 1930's were destroyed during the 1940's blitz of Manchester.

Read more:

The details regarding Adelaide referred to Probate. If the earlier 1930'srecords were destroyed in the Manchester Blitz (December 1940) I wonder if some of the even earlier records shared the same fate.

Incidentally, the Manchester Blitz is the reason that both myself and my brother were born in Prestbury.

St Mary's Maternity Hospital, which was close to where my mother was living, was badly damaged by the bombing. The maternity unit was transferred to Collar House Hospital in Prestbury, which was regarded as reasonably safe from air-raids.

In 1948 the main hospital had still not been repaired, hence I have that most snobbish of places on my birth certificate %3B-%29


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Nov 2014 20:20

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Allan Report 21 Nov 2014 09:14

See, I just became side-tracked %3A-S

I still can't see William Mortimer, son of Joseph and Jane %3A-%29